David Weiss, known as Flat Earth Dave, is a compelling figure in the realm of alternative cosmology, having left behind a successful business career to dedicate his life to unveiling what he knows to be the true nature of our world. As the host of "The Flat Earth Podcast" and creator of the “Flat Earth Sun, Moon and Zodiac Clock app,” David has become one of the most vocal and influential advocates for Flat Earth, challenging the conventional globe model with a blend of historical analysis, scientific inquiry, and personal experimentation. David's journey into Flat Earth isn't just about debunking the globe; it's about exploring a geocentric universe where the Earth is flat, enclosed, and where phenomena like the sun, moon, and stars operate under different principles than what's traditionally taught. His discussions often delve into: • Geocentric Cosmology: Presenting a universe where Earth is the center, not a planet orbiting the sun. • Flat Earth Models: Offering visual models that depict Earth as a flat plane, surrounded by the ice shore of Antarctica. • Debunking Space Exploration: Questioning the feasibility and authenticity of space travel, focusing on inconsistencies in NASA's narratives and the physics of space suits in a vacuum. • Personal Experiments: Encouraging listeners to conduct their own observations regarding Earth's curvature, horizon, and other natural phenomena. David's approach is not just to convince but to encourage critical thinking. He invites individuals to question established narratives, perform their own research, and consider alternative explanations for observed reality. His work has been featured in various podcasts and media, where he engages with both skeptics and believers, aiming to foster a dialogue that challenges the status quo. For booking David Weiss on your podcast, expect a guest who brings not just controversy but a deep dive into one of the most debated topics of our time, offering listeners a chance to explore beyond the conventional understanding of our world. Official Website: http://flatearthdave.com